The leaf epidermis structure of test-tube seedling and field seedling were observed with transparent rubberized fabric sticking method. 用透明胶法对蕨麻试管苗与土培苗叶表特征进行了观察比较。
The proposed moisture-permeable and water-proof rubberized fabric consists of coating, substrate and textile. 所研制的透湿防水胶布的结构组成为覆盖胶层、底涂胶层和纺织物层。
Dress-shield textile ( incl. of rubberized fabric or of rubber covered with textile materials), not knitted or crocheted (女服腋下的)护衣汗垫,纺织品制(包括涂橡胶织物或外包纺织品的橡皮),非针织或钩织
A waterproof raincoat made of rubberized fabric. 由胶布做成的防水雨衣。
The utility model is composed of medical rubberized fabric or bandage, medical disinfection cotton yarn, and ion ore powder with physical effect performance. 它是由医用胶布或绷带、医用消毒棉纱,以及具有物理效应性能的离子矿物粉组合构成。
Embankment supported rubberized fabric suction tank 筑坝支承的橡胶布抽吸水箱
Fabric of bonded fibre or bonded yarn ( non-woven), rubberized on one side ( excl. fabric for use in machinery or plant) 纤维粘合或类似纱线粘合(无纺)织物,单面涂胶(不包括机器和工厂使用的织物)
A lightweight waterproof, usually rubberized, fabric. 通常用橡胶处理的质量轻的防水的纤维。
Development of Moisture-permeable and Water-proof Rubberized Fabric Reasoning of the Moisture Permeability Standard of the Field Operation Ammunition Envelop Material 透湿防水胶布的研制野战弹药封套材料的透湿率指标论证
Finite Element Model Theoretical Analysis of Dry Type Gasholder Sealed with Rubberized Fabric 柔膜密封干式储气罐的有限元理论分析
Stuffing materials using the heat shrinking cover and the tallow rubberized fabric etc anticorrosive measures. 补口材料采用热收缩套和牛油胶布等防腐措施。
After water-washed, the rubberized fabric is cured directly on a trolley in an autoclave. 水煮后的胶布采用卷蒸车硫化罐直接蒸气硫化。
The rubber sealing film for dry gas holder in the recovery of torch gas in refinery component of refinery torch gas was analyzed, including prescription design of glue, structure design of rubberized fabric and integral moulding process of rubber sealed film. 在分析炼油厂火炬气回收现状及火炬气介质成分的基础上,从胶料配方设计、胶布结构设计及橡胶密封膜整体成型工艺等方面介绍了干式气柜用橡胶密封膜的研制情况。
The Medical Rubberized Fabric of Latex Thickness Testing System The on-line measuring thickness of the paper film's sticking layer 药用胶带纸层厚度检测系统纸质胶带胶层厚度在线测量
The structure design of rubberized fabric satisfied the requirement of structure strength and flex resistance. 以帘线布作为胶布的骨架材料满足了胶布结构强度及抗屈挠性能的要求;
A new kind of medical material-ointment-film for medical application is researched in the article, it has the function of gauze and rubberized fabric and can diminish inflammation, sterilize and stop bleeding etc. 本论文研究的是一种新型的医用材料&医用膏膜,具有纱布、胶布、消炎杀菌、止血等一系列功能,却又不能归之于它们中的某一类。